Saving Action Points to a File
You can save a program’s action points to a file. TotalView then uses this information to reset these points when you restart the program. When you save action points, TotalView creates a file named program_name.TVD.v4breakpoints, where program_name is the name of your program.
NOTE >> TotalView does not save watchpoints because memory addresses can change radically every time you restart TotalView and your program.
Use the
Action Point > Save All command to save your action points to a file. TotalView places the action points file in the same directory as your program. In contrast, the
Action Point > Save As command lets you name the file to which TotalView saves this information.
If you’re using a preference to automatically save breakpoints, TotalView automatically saves action points to a file. Alternatively, starting TotalView with the
-sb option (see “
TotalView Command Syntax” in the
TotalView for HPC Reference Guide) also tells TotalView to save your breakpoints.
At any time, you can restore saved action points if you use the
Action Points > Load All command. After invoking this command, TotalView displays a File Explorer Window that you can use to navigate to or name the saved file.
CLI: dactions -load filename |
You control automatic saving and loading by setting preferences. (See File > Preferences in the online Help for more information.)