Value | Bit setting | Meaning |
0x100 | IOE | Invalid operation exception enable |
0x200 | DZE | Division by zero exception enable |
0x400 | OFE | Overflow exception enable |
0x800 | UFE | Underflow exception enable |
0x1000 | IXE | Inexact exception enable |
0x8000 | IDE | Input denormal exception enable |
0x0 (bits 23 and 24 clear) | RMode=RN | Round to nearest |
0x400000 | RMode=RP | Round towards plus infinity |
0x800000 | RMode=RM | Round towards minus infinity |
0xC00000 | RMode=RZ | Round towards zero |
0x1000000 | RMode=(per above)+FZ | Flush-to-zero |
0x2000000 | RMode=(per above)+DN | Operations on NaN return default NaN |
0x1000000 | RMode=(per above)+AHP | Alternative half-precision |