The coordinates defining the physical space of the hardware:
D: device number
S: streaming multiprocessor (SM)
W: warp (WP) number on the SM
L: lane (LN) number on the warp
The dcuda commands allow you to manage and view GPU threads, in either the logical coordinate space of block and thread indices (<<<(Bx,By,Bz),(Tx,Ty,Tz)>>>) or the physical coordinate space that defines the hardware (the device number, the streaming multiprocessor number on the device, the warp number on the SM, and lane number on the warp).
dcuda block [(Bx,By,Bz)]
• With no arguments, shows the current CUDA block
• With a block argument of the form (Bx,By,Bz), changes the CUDA focus to that block. Parameters to the right (By and Bz, or just Bz) may be omitted; these are unchanged.
dcuda thread [(Tx,Ty,Tz)]
• With no arguments, shows the current CUDA thread.
• With a thread argument of the form (Tx,Ty,Tz), changes the CUDA focus to that thread. Parameters to the right (Ty and Tz, or just Tz) may be omitted; these are unchanged.
dcuda kernel
Displays the logical and hardware coordinates of the current CUDA context.
dcuda device [<n>]
• With no arguments, shows the current CUDA device.
• With a numeric argument, changes the CUDA device focus to that device.
dcuda sm [<n>]
• With no arguments, shows the current CUDA SM (streaming multiprocessor).
• With a numeric argument, changes the CUDA SM focus to that SM.
dcuda warp [<n>]
• With no arguments, shows the current CUDA warp.
• With a numeric argument, changes the CUDA warp focus to that warp.
dcuda lane [<n>]
• With no arguments, shows the current CUDA lane.
• With a numeric argument, changes the CUDA lane focus to that lane.
dcuda info-system
Displays the CUDA devices in the system.
dcuda info-device
Displays currently running SMs in the current device.
dcuda info-sm
Displays valid warps in the current SM.
dcuda info-warp
Displays valid lanes in the current warp.
dcuda info-lane
Displays the current lane.
dcuda focus (Bx,By, Bz),(Tx,Ty,Tz)
Changes the focus via CUDA logical coordinates of the form <<<(Bx,By,Bz),(Tx,Ty,Tz)>>>.
The following abbreviations are also accepted:
Angle brackets are optional, but must be balanced.
dcuda hwfocus <D/S/W/L>
Changes the focus via CUDA hardware coordinates of the form D/S/W/L, S/W/L, W/L, or L.