The memscript command takes these additional options.
Turn on guard blocks.
Turn on testing for Red Zone overruns.
Turn on testing for Red Zone underruns.
Turn on testing for use after memory is freed.
Turn on the hoarding of freed memory.
Specify the low memory threshold that will generate an event.
Turn on leak detection.
-red_zones_size_ranges min:max,min:max,...
Specify the memory allocation ranges for which Red Zones are in effect. Ranges can be in the following formats:
x:y allocations from x to y :y allocations from 1 to y x: allocations of x and higher x allocation of x
-maxruntime hh:mm:ss
Specify the maximum amount of time the script should run where:
hh: number hours mm: number of minutes ss: number of seconds
As a script begins running, MemoryScape adds information to the beginning of the log file. This information includes time stamps for both the file when processes start, the name of the program, and so on.
memscript Example
The example here performs these actions:
• Runs the filterapp program under MemoryScape control.
• Passes an argument of 2 to the filterapp program.
• Whenever any event occurs—an HIA event, SEGV, and the like—saves a memory debugging file.
• Allows the script to run for no longer than 5 seconds.
• Performs the following activities: use guard blocks, hoard freed memory, and detect memory leaks.