NextGen TotalView for HPC User Guide : PART II Debugging Tools and Tasks : Chapter 5 Setting and Managing Action Points (Breakpoints) : More on Action Points Using the CLI
More on Action Points Using the CLI
While this version of NextGen TotalView for HPC does not yet support all action point functionality in the UI, you have access to all features using the CLI through the command line view.
Creating Barrier Points, Evalpoints, and Watchpoints
The CLI supports multiple types of action points, some of which are not currently supported in the UI:
A breakpoint stops execution of processes and threads that reach it. See "Breakpoints" for UI functionality.
An evalpoint executes a code fragment when it is reached. See "Evalpoints" for UI functionality.
An watchpoint monitors a location in memory and stops execution when a provided condition is met. See "Watchpoints" for UI functionality.
A barrier point synchronizes a set of threads or processes at a location. Not yet supported in the UI.
Identifying Icons for All Types of Action Points
In the Action Points view, evalpoints, barrier points and watchpoints created in the CLI display as , , and icons.
In the Source view, evalpoints and barrier points show up as line numbers with the same colors, e.g., and . Watchpoints do not appear in the Source view because they represent memory locations, not lines in the code.
In the Action Points view, these action points look like this: