NextGen TotalView for HPC User Guide : PART I An Introduction to NextGen TotalView for HPC : Chapter 1 Getting Started
Chapter 1 Getting Started
Introducing NextGen TotalView for HPC
Rogue Wave NextGen TotalView for HPC is the next generation user interface for the TotalView debugger. Behind the NextGen TotalView for HPC user interface is the TotalView debugging engine, the long standing industry leader for debugging massively parallel programs in the HPC arena.
Currently, the next generation UI is supported on Linux x86 64-bit, macOS, Linux PowerLE and Linux ARM64 platforms. It supports multi-process and multi-threaded debugging, and MPI and CUDA debugging.
Note that all TotalView functionality is fully available through the Command Line Interface (CLI) even if a feature has not yet been added to the new UI. Depending on the tools you use, the functionality may not appear in the user interface yet, however.
NextGen TotalView for HPC incorporates ReplayEngine technology. With this feature engaged, you can go backwards in the debugging session to find, for example, where an obviously incorrect variable value went wrong.
NextGen TotalView for HPC supports C++11 features for the GNU compiler, including support for lambdas, transformations for smart pointers, auto types, R-Value references, range-based loops, strongly-typed enums, initializer lists, user defined literals, and transformations for many of the containers such as array, forward_list, tuple and others.
Each new release will include additional functionality based on a priority list that you can help influence. Please send email to with your feedback and feature priorities.
New UI Limitations
HPC functionality from the classic user interface continues to be added to the new UI. These are the major areas of CLI functionality not yet supported by the UI:
Remote debugging
Some advanced data debugging such as array manipulation and visualization
Memory debugging with MemoryScape
UI Preferences
For new TotalView users, the new UI is the default. To launch the classic UI if necessary:
To change the default:
Change the default Display preference under File > Preferences > Display, or
To launch the classic UI for a single instance of TotalView:
Add the -classicUI switch after the totalview command, for example:
totalview -classicUI
For information on contacting Rogue Wave, conventions used in the documentation, and documentation for TotalView for HPC, see Appendix D, "Resources".