The actions that occur when you select PBS Pro or LoadLeveler within the Submit job to Batch Queueing System are defined in two files: tv_PBS.csh and tv_LoadLever.csh. If the actions defined in these scripts are not correct for your environment, you can either change one of these scripts or add a new script, which is the recommended procedure.
Place the script you create into installation_dir/totalview_version/batch. For example, you could place a new script file called Run_Large.csh into the installation_dir/toolworks/totalview.8.6.0/batch directory.
tv_PBS.csh Script
Here are the contents of the tv_PBS.csh script file:
#!/bin/csh -f
# Script to submit using PBS
# These are passed to batch scheduler::
# account to be charged
##PBS -A VEN012
# pass users environment to the job
##PBS -V
# name of the job
#PBS -N TotalView
# input and output are combined to standard
##PBS -o PBSPro_out.txt
##PBS -e PBSPro_err.txt
##PBS -l feature=xt3
#PBS -l walltime=1:00:00,nodes=2:ppn=1
# Do not remove the following:
# end of execution script
You can uncomment or change any line and add commands to this script. The only lines you cannot change are:
tv_LoadLeveler.csh Script
Here are the contents of the tv_Loadleveler.csh script file:
#! /bin/csh -f
# @ job_type = bluegene
#@ output = tv.out.$(jobid).$(stepid)
#@ error = tv.job.err.$(jobid).$(stepid)
#@ queue
You can uncomment or change any line and add commands to this script. The only line you cannot change is: