You may want to write the information that MemoryScape collects about your program to disk so that you can examine it at a later time. Or, you may want to save information from different sessions so that you can compare changes that you’ve made.
You can save MemoryScape information by using the dheap -export command. This command has two sets of options: one contain options you must specify, the other contains options that are optional. In all cases, you must use the:
• -output option to name the file to which MemoryScape writes information.
• -data option to name which data MemoryScape includes.
For example:
dheap -export -output heap.txt -data leaks
You can also add -set_show_code and -set_show_backtraces. These options are most often used to restrict the amount of information that MemoryScape displays. You can also use the -check_interior option to tell MemoryScape that if a pointer is pointing into a block instead of at the block’s beginning, then the block shouldn’t be considered as being leaked.