An optional array that indicates the P/T sets to show. An element of the array can be a number or it can be a more complicated P/T expression. (For more information, see“Using P/T Set Operators” in Chapter 21, “Group, Process, and Thread Control” of the TotalView for HPC User Guide.)
The dptsets command shows the status of each process and thread in a Tcl array of P/T expressions. These array elements are P/T expressions (see“Using P/T Set Operators” in Chapter 21, “Group, Process, and Thread Control” of the TotalView for HPC User Guide, and the elements’ array indices are strings that label each element's section in the output.
If you do not use the optional ptset_array argument, the CLI supplies a default array that contains all P/T set designators: error, existent, held, running, stopped, unheld, and watchpoint.
The following example displays information about processes and threads in the current focus:
d.1<> dptsets
1: 808694 Stopped [fork_loopSGI]
1.1: 808694.1 Stopped PC=0x0d9cae64
1.2: 808694.2 Stopped PC=0x0d9cae64
1.3: 808694.3 Stopped PC=0x0d9cae64
1.4: 808694.4 Stopped PC=0x0d9cae64
1: 808694 Stopped [fork_loopSGI]
1.1: 808694.1 Stopped PC=0x0d9cae64
1.2: 808694.2 Stopped PC=0x0d9cae64
1.3: 808694.3 Stopped PC=0x0d9cae64
1.4: 808694.4 Stopped PC=0x0d9cae64
stopped: 1: 808694 Stopped [fork_loopSGI]
1.1: 808694.1 Stopped PC=0x0d9cae64
1.2: 808694.2 Stopped PC=0x0d9cae64
1.3: 808694.3 Stopped PC=0x0d9cae64
1.4: 808694.4 Stopped PC=0x0d9cae64
The following example creates a two-element P/T set array, and then displays the results. Notice the labels in this example.
The array index to set_info becomes a label identifying the type of information being displayed. In contrast, the information within parentheses in the breakpoint and stopped functions identifies the arena for which the function returns -information.
If you use a number as an array index, you might not remember what is being printed. The following very similar example shows a better way to use these array indices: