Controlling Type Transformations
Toggle STL type transformations on and off using either the CLI Boolean state variable TV::ttf or the command line options -ttf | -nottf.
*To control TTF for this session and future sessions, use the CLI’s dset command to set the TV::ttf variable in a TotalView start up file, for example, ~/.tvdrc:
dset TV::ttf false | true
NOTE: This variable does not persist between TotalView sessions unless placed in a TotalView startup file.
*To set TTF for just a single session, use the command line option when starting TotalView:
totalview -nottf | -ttf
When enabled, the UI and certain CLI commands (such as dprint) display the transformed type. When set to false, the original, untransformed type is used.
For example, consider a reverse iterator rit_int. Here is the untransformed variable:
d1.<> dwhat rit_int
In thread 1.1:
Name: rit_int; Type: std::deque<int,std::allocator<int> >::reverse_iterator; Size: 32 bytes; Addr: 0x7ffefad6ed30
Scope: ##/etnus/scratch/home/jdelsign/tvbld/linux-x86-64/fedora36-x8664/totalview.develop/debugger/src/tests/bld/gcc_12.2.1_64/tx_c++11_iterators#../../src/tx_c++11_iterators.cxx#test_deque_iterators(void) (Scope class: Any)
Address class: auto_var (Local variable)
d1.<> dset TV::ttf false
d1.<> dprint rit_int
rit_int = {
iterator = {
current = {
_M_cur = 0x015730dc -> 0x00000000 (0)
_M_first = 0x015730d0 -> 0x00000064 (100)
_M_last = 0x015732d0 -> 0x00000000 (0)
_M_node = 0x01573098 -> 0x015730d0 -> 0x00000064 (100)
And here is the transformed version after setting the state variable TV::ttf to true:
d1.<> dset TV::ttf true
d1.<> dprint rit_int
rit_int = {
$elide_ptr = 0x015730d8 -> 0x00000066 (102)